
Projekti kestus: 01.11.2020- 1.10.2022
Koordinaator: Low Carbon Economy Foundation (Hispaania) ja partnerid on Hispaaniast, Ungarist, Itaaliast ja Poolast. 
Eesmärgiks oli:
- Edendada põllumajanduse kutseharidust seoses taastuvenergiaga. 
- Kaasata uuenduslikud ettevõtluspraktikad kutseharidusse, kasutades taastuvenergia tootmise poolt pakutavaid võimalusi. Mitmekesistada maapiirkondade majandustegevust.
- Tutvustada ja praktiseerida õpilastega projektipõhise õppe vormi.
Projekti kogu eelarve: 136 835,00 eurot
JKHK eelarve: 21 563,00 eurot

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The Project
European Union countries have reinforced the commitment with green energies by including a new target of 32% from renewable by 2030 (European Parliament, 2018). At the same time, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) focuses on the socio-economic challenges facing agriculture and rural areas.  Farming has a huge environmental impact but there are new techniques and practices that have been implemented to achieve a more sustainable agriculture. This project addresses the current needs to move to a more sustainable type of farming, with the help of the renewable energies and it is focused on agricultural VET centres.

In this frame, Energy4Farming objectives are the following:
To promote the improvement and modernisation of VET agricultural studies through the professional development of VET teachers (in relation with renewable energies)
To include innovative entrepreneurship practices in VET based on the new opportunities offered by the renewable energy sector in order to diversify the rural economy activities
To facilitate the introduction of innovative project-based learning experiences to meet societal needs in agricultural VET studies by the educational approach of based project learning

Avaldatud 11.02.2025. Viimati muudetud 11.02.2025.