The first training week of the dementia project in Brugge, Belgium

Date created 12.04.2022

From March 28 to April 1, the training week of the Erasmus+ Strategic Project (KA2) “DEMENTIA” took place in Brugge, Belgium. There were two participants from every participating country, including Järva County Vocational Training Centre.

In Belgium, partners were welcomed by Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen, who provided participants with rich and exciting training in digital didactics and technology to enhance teaching and learning.

During the training days, the digital tools and models for creating different learning materials were introduced, followed by the short practice period during the training week. It started with an introduction to the structure, content of the modules and structure of the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). Various reference frameworks such as ADDIE, BLOOM and TPACK were explained.

During the training, the participants were given seven different challenges, in the solution of which the participants created different digital tools using the learning materials. Each challenge explained the possible methods for solving the problem, where and how to use them. In addition to solving the challenges, the participants also made a welcome video for their MOOC, using existing technology - green screen, video camera, text screen, microphone.

CHALLENGE 1: A talking video had to be made, recording simultaneously, for example, a PowerPoint presentation and a webcam video of the talking teacher.
CHALLENGE 2: A Padlet had to be set up to gather information from students about their subject.
CHALLENGE 3: An interactive Thinglink had to be set up.
CHALLENGE 4: A talking video had to be made about a PowerPoint presentation with the teacher's voice recorded.
CHALLENGE 5: A Kahoot had to be compiled to find out if the students understood.
CHALLENGE 6: A Mentimeter had to be set up where assessment can be used as a learning and practice strategy.
CHALLENGE 7: A feedback form had to be created using Google Forms.

Once the challenges were solved and the creation and use of digital tools was in place, the final learning objectives of the project were set. Responsibilities for developing learning materials for these learning objectives were then shared between the different project partners based on the individual skills and capabilities of each organization.

Next steps: independent activities, online meetings and 28th-29th June Transnational Project Meeting (TPM2) at JKHK.


Marleen Annabel Pukk
Merje Mölter
The JKHK team

Last changed 12.04.2022.